
The 2024 State of User Journey Personalization Report
Learn the Secrets of Effective User Journey Personalization

As a customer success professional, one of your primary goals is to ensure that your customers are successful in achieving their desired outcomes using your product or service. This requires a proactive approach to identifying and addressing potential issues or challenges that your customers may face. One effective tool for doing this is a customer health score, which is a quantitative measure of a customer’s overall health and success with your product or service.

In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of customer health scores for customer success teams and how they can be used to drive customer success. We will also discuss some best practices for creating and using customer health scores, as well as how they can be integrated into a customer success strategy.

What is a customer health score

A customer health score is a metric that measures the overall health and success of a customer with your product or service. It is typically a numerical score or rating, with a higher score indicating a healthier and more successful customer.

There are various ways to calculate a customer health score, but it typically takes into account a combination of factors such as usage and adoption of the product, customer satisfaction, and any potential risks or issues that the customer may be experiencing. Some customer success teams may also consider other factors such as the customer’s business outcomes or the value they are receiving from the product.

The purpose of a customer health score is to provide a quick and easy way to assess the overall health of a customer, which can help customer success teams prioritize their efforts and identify potential issues or risks before they become major problems.

Why are customer health scores important for Customer Success teams?

While many companies still don’t use customer health metrics, it’s a missed opportunity that could be a significant growth engine. Here are 4 reason why:

Prioritizing efforts

With a customer health score, customer success teams can quickly assess the overall health of their customers and prioritize their efforts accordingly. This allows them to focus their time and resources on the customers who are most in need of assistance or are at the greatest risk of churning.

Identifying potential issues early

A customer health score can help customer success teams identify potential issues or challenges before they become major problems. This allows the team to proactively address these issues and prevent them from escalating.

Driving customer success

By regularly monitoring and improving a customer’s health score, customer success teams can help ensure that the customer is successful in achieving their desired outcomes using the product or service. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can ultimately drive revenue and growth for the company.

Providing a common language

Customer health scores provide a common language for customer success teams to use when discussing the overall health and success of their customers. This can help teams communicate more effectively and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Best practices for creating and using customer health scores

When creating and using customer health scores, it’s important to keep the following best practices in mind:

Choose the right metrics

The metrics that you choose to include in your customer health score should be relevant to your product or service and should accurately reflect the overall health and success of your customers. Be sure to consider a variety of factors such as usage, satisfaction, and potential risks.

Regularly review and update the score

Customer health scores should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that they are accurate and relevant. This may involve adding or removing metrics, adjusting the weighting of different metrics, or making other changes as needed.

Involve the customer in the process

When developing and reviewing customer health scores, it’s important to involve the customer in the process. This can help ensure that the metrics chosen are relevant to the customer’s needs and goals and that the customer is aware of their overall health and success.

Use the score as a starting point for improvement

A customer health score is not a static metric – it should be used as a starting point for continuous improvement. Customer success teams should work with customers to identify areas for improvement and develop action plans to address these areas.

Leverage data and analytics

Customer health scores should be based on data and analytics, rather than subjective opinions or assumptions. This helps ensure that the score is objective and accurate and can be used to drive meaningful actions and improvements.

By following these best practices, customer success teams can effectively create and use customer health scores to drive customer success and improve the overall health and success of their customers.

Integrating Customer Health Scores into a Customer Success Strategy

Incorporating customer health scores into your customer success strategy is an important step in driving customer success and ensuring that your customers are achieving their desired outcomes. 

Set up regular check-ins with customers

Customer health scores should be regularly reviewed and discussed with customers. During these check-ins, customer success teams can review the customer’s health score and discuss any potential issues or challenges that the customer may be facing.

Use customer health scores to guide customer success plans

Customer success plans should be tailored to the specific needs and goals of each customer. Customer health scores can be used to guide the development of these plans and to identify areas where the customer may need additional support or resources.

Use customer health scores to drive cross-functional collaboration

Customer success is often a cross-functional effort, involving teams such as sales, marketing, and product development. .Having a single source of truth can be used to drive collaboration across these teams and ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal.

Leverage automation and technology

There is  a variety of technologies available that can help automate the process of tracking and managing customer health scores. These tools can help customer success teams save time and focus on more high-value activities, such as working with customers to address their needs and drive success.


Customer health scores are a crucial tool for customer success teams as they help prioritize efforts, identify potential issues early, drive customer success, and provide a common language for teams to use. 

By regularly reviewing and updating customer health scores and integrating them into a customer success strategy, CS teams can build stronger, more loyal customer relationships and drive revenue and growth.

Want to know more about how you can incorporate customer health score into your daily work? Contact us!