
The 2024 State of User Journey Personalization Report
Learn the Secrets of Effective User Journey Personalization

Today’s salespeople juggle an array of tools – from prospecting and CRM to outreach tools and meeting schedulers. Coupled with a comprehensive infrastructure for lead generation, lead-scoring systems, and sales-related data, it’s a challenging landscape to navigate.

As we continue our Growth Matters series, we’re focusing on demystifying this complexity. To guide us through these treacherous waters, we’ve invited a seasoned RevOps specialist, to guide us through these intricate waters.

Please join us in welcoming Leore Spira, Head of Revenue Operations at Buildots. Her extensive experience and expertise will help us delve deeper into these challenges and provide insights into navigating them successfully. Welcome, Leore!

Explore her insights on RevOps fundamentals, data’s role, essential tools, and future trends.

Let’s start with the basics – what is the purpose of RevOps, and what are some key components of a successful RevOps strategy?

RevOps (Revenue Operations) is a strategic approach to aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams within an organization to optimize revenue generation and customer experience. The purpose of RevOps is to drive growth and increase revenue by streamlining holistic processes, improving collaboration, and leveraging data to make informed decisions.

The key components of a successful RevOps strategy include:

1. Alignment:

RevOps requires a strong alignment between GTM, e.g. sales, marketing, and customer success teams. This includes clear communication and collaboration to ensure that all teams are working towards the same goals.

2. Data-driven approach

RevOps relies heavily on data to make informed decisions. A successful RevOps strategy includes collecting and analyzing data from various sources to gain insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and marketing effectiveness.

3. Process optimization 

RevOps aims to streamline and optimize sales, marketing, and customer success processes. This includes identifying inefficiencies and implementing solutions to improve productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

4. Technology integration

RevOps requires the use of technology to support its processes and data-driven approach. A successful RevOps strategy includes integrating and leveraging technology and building the optimized tech stack such as CRM systems, marketing automation, and analytics tools.

5. Continuous improvement

RevOps is a continuous process of improvement. A successful RevOps strategy involves regularly monitoring performance metrics and adjusting processes and strategies to achieve better results over time.

How can RevOps help B2B companies better understand and serve their customers throughout the entire customer lifecycle?

RevOps can help B2B companies better understand and help their customers throughout their lifecycle by providing a holistic view of the customer journey.

Here are some ways RevOps can help:

1. Collect and analyze customer data

RevOps collect and analyze data from various sources, such as CRM systems, GTM tech stack, marketing automation tools, and customer feedback, to gain insights into customer behavior, relationship, and preferences. This data can be used to identify trends, anomalies, and patterns, as well as to personalize the customer experience journey and process.

2. Align sales, marketing, and customer success teams

RevOps align these teams to ensure that they are all working towards the same goals or KPIs and that there is a consistent approach to customer engagement throughout the customer lifecycle. This can help avoid gaps and inconsistencies in the customer experience.

3. Optimize processes

RevOps can optimize processes such as lead generation, lead nurturing, sales cycle, churn rate, or customer onboarding to ensure that they are efficient and effective. This can help minimize the time it takes to convert a prospect into a customer and reduce churn rates.

4. Provide insights and recommendations

RevOps provide insights and recommendations based on data analysis and performance metrics to help teams make informed decisions about better helping their customers. This can help teams identify areas for improvement and prioritize initiatives that will have the most impact on customer satisfaction and retention.

By leveraging RevOps strategies and tools, B2B companies can better understand and support their customers throughout their journey. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, a great relationship, and revenue growth.

What role does data play in driving RevOps success, and how do you ensure you gather and maintain quality data?  

Data plays a critical role in driving RevOps success, as it provides insights into the customer journey performance and effectiveness. To ensure that data is of high quality, B2B companies must have a robust data management strategy and infrastructure in place. 

Here are some key steps to gathering and maintaining quality data for RevOps success:

  1. Define your data management strategy: Establish a clear strategy for data management that outlines the processes and tools needed to collect, store, and analyze data. This strategy should also define data ownership and access rights.
  2. Standardize data collection: Define and standardize data collection processes to ensure that data is consistent and accurate across all systems and teams. This includes defining data fields, naming conventions, and data entry protocols.
  3. Implement data governance: Implement data governance policies and procedures to ensure data accuracy, completeness, and security. This includes establishing data quality standards, data privacy policies, and data access controls.
  4. Use technology to automate data processes: Utilize technology such as CRM or GTM systems, marketing automation tools, and analytics platforms to automate data processes and improve data accuracy and completeness.
  5. Continuously monitor and improve data quality: Regularly monitor data quality and implement processes for data cleansing and enrichment to ensure that data is accurate and up-to-date.

By following these steps, companies can ensure that they gather and maintain high-quality data hygiene in the systems that can be used to drive RevOps success. This includes providing insights to GTM leadership and management, which can help the company to optimize its revenue generation and customer experience and support its decision-making process with data.

What are some essential tools and technologies that B2B companies should consider when implementing a RevOps strategy?

B2B companies should consider a range of tools and technologies when implementing a RevOps strategy. 

Here are some essential tools and technologies to consider:

  1. CRM systems: A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a critical tool for managing customer journey data and interactions across the customer lifecycle. It enables B2B companies to track customer interactions, manage accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities, and analyze customer data to make data-driven decisions.
  2. Marketing automation tools: enable companies to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as lead nurturing, email marketing, and social media management. They can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing campaigns and ensure that leads are properly nurtured throughout the funnel.
  3. Sales enablement tools: help sales teams to be more efficient and effective by providing them with the right content and information at the right time. They can include tools such as content management systems, sales training and coaching tools, and sales performance analytics platforms.
  4. Analytics tools: enable companies to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as website analytics, customer feedback, customer relationship, health and engagement score, and sales performance metrics. They can provide valuable insights to support scaling the processes and revenue. 
  5. Collaboration tools: such as project management software, communication platforms, and file-sharing tools, can help improve collaboration and communication across teams, which is essential for successful RevOps implementation.


Overall, companies should consider a range of tools and technologies to support their RevOps strategy, depending on their specific needs and goals. These tools and technologies can help improve efficiency, productivity, effectiveness, and collaboration across sales, marketing, and customer success teams, leading to better revenue generation and customer experience.

At what stage should companies start investing in RevOps?

RevOps can be beneficial for companies at any stage of their growth, whether they are startups, SMBs, or large enterprises. However, the exact timing of when to invest in RevOps may vary depending on the company’s specific circumstances and goals.

Here are some common scenarios:

  1. Rapid growth: If a company is experiencing rapid growth, it may need to optimize its revenue generation and customer experience processes to keep up with demand. Implementing a RevOps strategy early can help streamline processes, improve collaboration, and leverage data to make informed decisions.
  2. Sales and marketing misalignment: If sales and marketing teams are misaligned, a RevOps strategy can help align them and ensure that they are working towards the same goals. This can help avoid gaps and inconsistencies in the customer journey and improve overall revenue generation and funnel.
  3. Churn reduction: If a company is experiencing high churn rates, it may need to improve its customer experience processes. RevOps can help optimize customer onboarding, support, and success processes and leverage data to identify areas for improvement.
  4. Technology adoption: If a company is adopting new technologies such as CRM systems, marketing automation tools, or analytics platforms, a RevOps strategy can help ensure that these tools are integrated properly and used effectively to optimize revenue generation and customer experience.

You’ve been doing Rev/SalesOps for years! How has the role of this department evolved over the years, and what do you see as the future trends in this field?

Over the years, the role of Rev/SalesOps has evolved from being primarily focused on sales process optimization to a more holistic approach to revenue generation and customer experience (e.g. full funnel and customer journey). 

Here are some key trends that have shaped the evolution of Rev/SalesOps:

  1. Data-driven decision-making: Rev/SalesOps has become increasingly data-driven, with a focus on collecting and analyzing data to gain insights into customer behavior and relationship throughout the funnel, sales performance, and marketing effectiveness. This has enabled Rev/SalesOps teams to make informed decisions and optimize revenue processes.
  2. Collaboration and alignment: Rev/SalesOps has become more focused on collaboration and alignment across GTM teams, i.e., sales, marketing, and customer success teams. This has helped to avoid gaps and inconsistencies in the customer journey and improve the overall revenue generation funnel.
  3. Technology adoption: Rev/SalesOps has become more reliant on technology to support its processes and data-driven approach. This has led to the adoption of different tools to increase efficiency and data enrichment.
  4. Customer-centric approach: Rev/SalesOps has become more focused on a customer-centric approach, with a greater emphasis on optimizing the customer experience throughout the customer lifecycle. This has led to a greater focus on customer success and retention (land and expand methodology) in addition to revenue growth.

In terms of future trends, here are some areas that are likely to shape the evolution of Rev/SalesOps:

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The use of AI and machine learning is likely to become more prevalent in Rev/SalesOps, particularly in areas such as sales forecasting/prediction, lead/account scoring, and customer segmentation and health.
  2. Sales Enablement: Rev/SalesOps is likely to become more focused on sales enablement, providing sales teams with the tools and information they need to be more effective and efficient in their roles.
  3. Sales Process Automation: Rev/SalesOps is likely to continue to automate and streamline sales processes, making them more efficient and effective.
  4. Customer Experience Optimization: Rev/SalesOps is likely to become even more focused on optimizing the customer journey throughout the customer lifecycle, with a greater emphasis on customer success, growth playbooks, health, relationship, and retention.

What are some key performance indicators (KPIs) that companies should track to measure the success of their RevOps initiatives?

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential to measure the success of RevOps initiatives. Here are some KPIs that companies should consider tracking:

  1. Revenue growth: Revenue growth is the ultimate goal of RevOps, and tracking this metric can help companies measure the productivity and efficiency of their RevOps strategy and GTM teams.
  2. Sales cycle length: The length of the sales cycle is a key indicator of the efficiency of the sales process. Tracking this metric can help companies identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
  3. Customer acquisition cost (CAC): CAC is the cost of acquiring a new customer and is an important metric for tracking the efficiency of marketing and sales efforts.
  4. Customer lifetime value (CLTV): CLTV is the total value of a customer over the course of their relationship with the company. Tracking this metric can help companies identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.
  5. Win rate: Win rate is the percentage of deals won versus the total number of deals pursued. Tracking this metric can help companies identify areas for improvement in the sales process and adjust their strategy accordingly.
  6. Customer satisfaction (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS): CSAT and NPS are metrics used to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. Tracking these metrics can help companies identify areas for improvement in the customer experience, the relationship with the product, and address issues before they become major problems.
  7. Marketing/Sales attribution: Marketing/Sales attribution is the process of assigning credit for a sale or conversion to a specific marketing/Sales touchpoint or campaign. Tracking this metric can help companies identify which marketing efforts are most effective in driving revenue.

Can’t let you go before asking about AI. How do you see it impacting the RevOps world, and what possible impacts do you think it will have?

AI has the potential to significantly impact the RevOps world in a variety of ways. Here are some possible impacts on RevOps:

  1. Sales forecasting and prediction: AI can help improve the accuracy of sales forecasting and pipeline prediction by analyzing historical data and identifying patterns and trends.
  2. Lead or account scoring: AI can help automate lead scoring by analyzing customer data and behavior or type of relationship to determine which customers or prospects are most likely to convert or grow.
  3. Sales process automation: AI can automate repetitive tasks and processes, such as data entry and scheduling, freeing up sales reps to focus on more high-value tasks.
  4. Churn prediction: by analyzing customer behavior and engagement data, AI can help predict which customers are at risk of churning and enable RevOps teams to take proactive measures to retain those customers. AI can identify patterns in customer data that may indicate dissatisfaction, such as reduced engagement, decreased activity, or negative feedback. Based on these insights, RevOps teams can take targeted actions to improve the customer experience and address issues before they lead to churn. This can also help improve customer retention rates and ultimately drive revenue growth.
  5. Customer segmentation: AI can help segment customers based on various criteria, such as purchase history, behavior, and preferences, to personalize the customer journey and messaging.
  6. Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can help automate customer support and provide instant answers to common customer queries or desires.
  7. Sales coaching: AI can provide insights and recommendations to sales reps, such as personalized coaching and training, to help them improve their performance and close more deals.
  8. Marketing personalization: AI can analyze customer data to provide personalized marketing messages and offers based on customer preferences and behavior.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize the RevOps world by improving the accuracy of forecasting, automating tasks and processes, and providing personalized insights and recommendations. However, it is important for companies to ensure that they have the necessary infrastructure and data management strategies in place to effectively leverage AI for RevOps.